Welcome Visitors and Loyal Supporters!

Hello Friends, Family and Supporters,

This is John W Rhodes and Welcome!

Let me First of all say that this has been a great under taking and I am blessed to share with you insights and strategies on mastery life’s challenges and staying focus, through some of my helpful literature and no fluff content.

I am here to help you soar to that next level.  Be sure to sign up for our ongoing ifocus4life mastery strategies, upcoming ifocus4life mastery online bootcamp, and daily devotionals, plus future events at www.ifocus4life.com .   Check out our new upgrade release for Total Abundance you will love it.  It features 16 Pillars of Creating and Dominion.

As one of my loyal supports would you do me a favor and share this site and future post to help me help and reach more people.

One more thing don’t forget to keep my in your daily prayers if that is not too much to ask.

Thank you and Victory,

Apostle John W Rhodes, Senior Pastor of KOHA, (Kingdom of Heaven Assembly, in Lexington, Ky ) & Founder of John W Rhodes Ministries, Inc.