It’s Time to Re-Build: Restructured God’s Way

It’s Time to Re-Build: Restructured God’s Way

– John W Rhodes

Luke 4:
I. 1st Test: Yo Belly , Authority, Power
A. If you are the Son of God command the stone to become bread. But Jesus answered saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

1. So while Jesus was hungry, during the time of fasting, the enemy  tempted him  with a counterfeit  satisfaction.  We too will be hungry at times for more things of God and will be our tempted to make things appear.  Let’s make it plan and clear, some of you may be waiting on that Juliet or that Romeo. So you sacrifice and you prepare and you get yourself ready and you’ve been seeking God and seeking his face but then you get hungry for that made to appear and when they don’t appear in the time that you think what are you do you become hungry you want that mates and so what appears, that counterfeit that false mate but because you’re so hungry and you want them or you want it, you fall for the first thing that looks good it smells good it feels good it seems good but they ain’t good it’s just the counterfeit what Satan has thrown your way. So with the power in the faith in the authority that you already have Satan want you to begin speaking that person to be what you think they should be or be in your life but they ain’t the right one. So what happens you connect with them and so things happen and we know that all things work together for the good of them who love the Lord who are called according to that purpose. So despite ourselves God however that was not God’s original intent to wait on him to provide for you the right thing right person that will feel the type of hunger you have 4 your life. be created sooner then the time God is a lot of it for us to have them. So I our patience, will be tested in our faith to wait on God, and be Fulfilled will be tempted.
Also, also our Authority is being tested and tried. Command this Stone to become bread, if thou be the son of God. That was an insult and temptation to Christ at the same time. (If you are Christ had nothing to prove) Stop trying to prove yourself in what God has made you just be who you are and walk in your calling)  Jesus knew he was and is the son of God, while being tempted by Satan. So the enemy was also tempting him to question his authority of who he was it is. You too your Authority will be tested to do things before your time has come. But wait on the Lord. Wait on is enabling power Jesus. So again the enemy was tempting his power to turn the bread or the stones into bread to feed his hunger. It wasn’t so much just to eat but he was being tempted 2 feed his hunger with something other than what God had given him and will give him at the appointed time. The devil Works in counterfeit. In the devil works with replacement. The devil Works in deceit the devil works false Hood, would counterfeit receive at the appointed time the in feeling what God has for you when you’re ready when you’ve done all that he told you to do even in the sacrifices, such as fasting at the appointed time and breaking the fast when the time is up to receive the maximum benefit an experience God wants to teach to show you through that time of consecration.  Let me make it plain you are hungry for a better job, but you must feel feel but you must full feel fulfill what God has given you and maximize your efforts at way you are now before you can or before you are privileged or loud to get something better. Don’t allow the enemy to tempt you to move from your position she’s of authority and of power to get your hunger Fulfilled.  Tell yourself  iFocus4LifeMastery 
Learn to Master the hunger within, and allow the Holy Spirit to Reign within.  Here’s the other revelation, I know you may be hungry for more but field maximize what God has already given you. Well she would find yourself repeating the same thing over and over again. For some of you goddess already given you a spouse husband wife with a few your duty your call your responsibilities your support. Some of you God is already giving you the ideal job for feel your duty, responsibilities, increase your skill. Some of you God is already giving you the right body, for feel eat the right things exercise, put in the time to beautify who you already are. Some of you want desire more finances could take the finances you already have first of all ye of and God will get back to you ties God will increase what you have and rebuke the Devourer manage the money you already have and he will give you more. If we are wasters what what do we have we are not good stewards of God’s money. And again it’s God’s Not Yours.  iFocus4Life  Mastery in the area of Finances.  Manage your finances manage how you spin it manage when you spin it.
And let me say this that how you spin it meaning some of you take your money you put it on a little wheel and you turn the wheel aware of it it lands that money lands on the wheel you do with it what the enemy dictates or how life happens. You must become discipline on the way you become disciplined as you have to make a conscience effort being tensional to use your money correctly for your family your home for the kingdom of God. So again don’t spin it on the Wheel, haphazardly spend it in what feels good, but manage your money.

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