#focusyofaith & #breatheagain
Be All that God “CALLED YOU TO BE”,
know that if God called you to it,
He will bring you through it.
Keep in mind that with the calling comes a price
& with that price there is a sacrifice.
per. Matthew 22:14. #called

Prepare yourself and Get Ready for the Ride of your life for the process of your #journey will not only change you but change the lives that are connected with you directly or indirectly. #windsofchange #takenotes to the process.  #theprocess

People are watching 👀 you and I and are
taking notes 📝. Don’t be one tracked minded in thinking no one else matters in what you personally do (what’s “due”, your gifts). What I am saying to you is also for me too.

You heard the saying before, God doesn’t called the qualified, but He qualifies the Called.  If you are willing God will prepare 🙏 you and equip for the journey and the task at hand ✋.

God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and
His ways are not, our ways.

Wait ✋ for it He will speak to you and when 🤔
He does be ready to move and take flight ✈️ but also Stay Ready. Never, allow your #output to be greater than your #intake. In take of God that is and spiritual development rather it be word, prayer, praise.

This #COVIDー19 , #coronavirus , #pestilence2020 , #quarantine , etc. What ever you may call 📞 it has had a way of revealing many thing’s IN US, and THOSE , THINGS around Us 🇺🇸 and in the World 🌎 , and bring brings to light, even when there were dark places in ourselves we honestly didn’t realize we’re there until the LIGHT was turned On! (His Light, that is)
We may not like it or rather we did, the question is did we make the needed changes that would set us up to Bless God, others or just ourselves, or ALL THREE.  My prayers 🙏 is that my actions 🎬 during this time of self reflection and inner meditation,  plus preparations for the future and endeavors has been wise, cautious ⚠️ and productive 👌.

Hoping that we ALL Keep our Lamps 🔦 Trimmed and Ready for service.

Keep Your Head Up, surrender your Will to God’s Will.
Finally, LOVE GOD 💕 with ALL YOUR HEART ❤,  SOUL and MIND, as well as LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR as Yourself, and All will be well. per. Matthew 22:37-40.

I can’t do it alone 😪,  neither can you we need each other intercede,  fast 🙏 and pray, love and stay in the narrow  way.
Help Us All Lord Jesus! Have A Victorious 🙌 Week!

John W Rhodes
from #ifocus4lifemastery